RINOS Betray Republican Mayor Over PRIDE Flag: New Jersey Mayor OUSTED For RESISTING LGBT

1 year ago

Gay Pride is quickly becoming a national religion as the woke worship homosexuality.
Ex Mayor of Rochelle Park, NJ, Perrin Mosca, joins to tell his story about how he stood against elected officials who have been brainwashed by the LGBT cult.
Last May, a member of the Rochelle Park city council filed a motion to have the town raise the Pride flag outside city Hall for the entire month of June.
Perrin pushed back and pointed out the pride flag is not a neutral flag.
The Pride flag is ideological and is akin to swearing fealty to gayness.
In retaliation for Perrin Mosca refusing to go along with worship of the Rainbow, the city council conspired to remove him from office.
Even his fellow Republicans abandoned him and sided with the LGBT agenda.
Perrin Mosca’s reasoning for taking the stand he did was to protect his children and the children of Rochelle Park from LGBT indoctrination.
Parents with young children should not have to explain sex to them.
Ex Mayor Mosca is planning on running for Mayor once again and continues to stand up for innocent children.
This is truly and evil agenda and it must be stopped.
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