Preparation for The Endtimes Ep. 43: Order Out of Chaos pt. b- The Planned Protocols of Takeover

1 year ago

Continuing the section on "Order Out of Chaos", this episode examines The Protocols of Zionism in view of the global takeover they've planned in order to implement the reign of The Anti-Christ Dajjal and his legions.
Series playlist:

"This is the real X-Files."

THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU WILL GET THIS INFO, AND IT IS VITAL TO ALL OF HUMANITY. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD. This may be the most important documentary you'll ever see. This episode provides more clues into
the endgame conspiracy, including - but not exclusive to - the impending, premeditated alien invasions to come that shall be part-real, part-simulated. Please watch the entire series from the beginning in numerical sequence in order to properly understand it and apprehend all the endgame apocalyptic plots and intrigues, the divine side of the apocalypse and how to prepare for them.

Please watch the series in full from the beginning in sequence in order to properly understand the final days of earth. And please watch these episodes over and over to gather the clues. I encoded all the secrets and machinations of the apocalypse in this series for the wise to understand. The exoteric message is clear for everyone, but there are deeper levels to it, esp. for those who have done research into some of these topic. For the others, I recommend you investigate into the topics addressed here in order to "see" and "perceive" the reality of what I am saying, and its veracity. Most of it should resonate truth in you anyway to begin with. But confirm the research yourself by looking into it. And please support the effort by liking each video and subscribing with notifications at the least, if you can't spread the word.

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WARNING TO HUMANITY! This series is an exclusive look into all the apocalyptic plots that The New World Order intends to carry out. The only other people that have this research are governments, think tanks and specialized organizations - and none of them are making it public because they don't think you can handle it. This is a life-saving and life-changing journey down the rabbit hole. Based on decades of corroborated research, confirmed by scholars, researchers, academicians, insiders, whistleblowers and others. They all tell the same narrative of The Last Days which is recounted in this series in detail. This is a scholarly work that will provide the hints and clues for you to put together yourselves.

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