Who Verifies The Hadith? Also Missing Verses In The Quran Again With The Fake Tafsir Scholars

1 year ago

00:02:40 Hadith ratings list.
00:04:00 The Muslims are more desparate to find the unlearned Christians.
00:04:50 You can see how much this Muslim likes to lie about the Bible.
00:05:50 Who grades the hadiths?
00:08:10 Why is he so desperate to avoid saying that it is a human who grades the hadith?
00:12:50 All of these things that he is talking about are from man and not Allah.
00:16:55 Idris loves to give stories where the Muslims are being persecuted.
00:19:35 So the chains came from Muhammads time?
00:23:15 Bukhari died year.
00:23:50 Bukhar started collecting year.
00:26:25 When did the grading of hadith start?
00:28:00 But only the sahih ones.
00:29:45 Muslims only wish they had manuscripts of their early scholars writings.
00:30:50 The memorisation that produced the 10 qiraat.
00:33:10 Good old flaky memorisation.
00:34:10 Yes I have noticed that Idris is diverting, because he knows Islam is in trouble.
00:36:10 Papyrus.
00:37:50 The Quran by itself is not enough to preserve Islam.
00:39:40 Sounds like Idris is saying that a lot of Islamic information has been lost.
00:42:25 Idris back on the diversion trail again.
00:44:15 Now Idris desperately has to ignore me.
00:51:00 My overall point is that God knows the state that the Bible is in.
00:52:40 Did Allah allow the 10 qiraats to happen?
00:57:15 These Muslims have been trained well in defending the 10 qiraat now.
00:58:00 Where is the chain of narration for the Quran?
01:01:25 Image of Warsh Hafs difference.
01:05:35 Surah 20:17-22
01:12:15 This other Muslim thinks that the magic of Arabic can save him.
01:13:40 Now it is time to see how their fake tafsir scholars deal with this verse.
01:16:25 Tafsir Ibn Abbas v22.
01:18:05 Because Ibn Abbas is a scammer who is trying to fix the Quran.
01:19:55 Ibn Abbas is in the dustbin, so lets move on to the next ones.
01:21:40 Tafsir Jalallayn v22
01:22:25 The next tafsir scholar looks like a faker as well.
01:23:00 This Muslim seems to really believe in Islam.
01:23:25 Tafsir Ibn Kathir v22
01:28:10 Muslim tafsir scholars are too used to being a bunch of scammers.
01:29:55 Because Allah is bad at giving people information.
01:32:00 From the official Speakers Corner tafsir scholars.
01:34:25 These Speakers Corner tafsir scholars do not agree with Ibn Kathir etc.
01:36:25 Who called Lazarus out?
01:38:40 Now it is time for sheikh Idris to give his ruling.
01:39:15 The tafsirs are corrupt!
01:40 15 Exodus correct non missing verses.
01:43:00 Are there any Christian scholars who have come together to lie.
01:45:00 Surah 20:22
01:46:55 Exodus 4:1-7
01:52:54 Surah 16:126-128
01:54:10 Surah 41:34 (nothing mentioned about unbelievers)
01:58:30 Surah 9:1,2
02:00:30 Would intelligent people bow down towards a cube.
02:01:50 Surah 106:1-3
02:03:40 The lord of the kaaba was one of the 360 idols.
02:04:30 This Muslim would bow down to a tree if his fake god told him to.
02:06:00 Acts 10:9-18
02:12:25 Surah 2:144

This is a long conversation that I had with the Bible hating Muslim and various other Muslims who came along during the conversation. This time I decided to ask some questions relating to who really runs Islam, because it is obvious to me that it is a man made religion, so I was trying to ask questions relating to showing how obvious this is. The Muslims did their best to answer the questions, but it was obvious that they had to make up a lot of what they were saying as well and one of the Muslim diversion masters called Idris also joined in as well and he of course made sure that he tried to divert over to the Bible as much as he could.
Another excuse that Muslims like to use a lot is that the Quran was memorised, so they don't then have to care about any manuscripts, but this is nonsense because they could have used what they had memorised to fix the 10 Qiraat, but they didn't because the obviously know that paper has a much better word retaining quality.

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