Peace Day Parade in London, England, July 19, 1919

1 year ago

Reel 1, Gen. Pershing, Field Marshal Haig, and Amb. Davis confer. Gens. Harbord, Headlam, Lassiter, Hines, Biddle, and Brewster congregate. Pershing decorates Brit. Gens. Fowke, Furze, Goodwin, MacDonogh, Clarke, and Butler. Pershing greets Winston Churchill and the Prince of Wales. U.S. troops pass in review. Haig, Pershing, Davis, Biddle, and others arrive at the Guildhall. King George and Queen Mary arrive at the royal reviewing stand. Pershing salutes the royalty as he passes the stand. Marshal Foch dismounts after passing the stand. Reel 2, French troops, Belgian troops led by Gen. Bourremans, Italian troops led by Gen. Montuori, Australian troops, British troops led by Gen. Haig, British sailors and marines led by Adm. Beatty, and British war workers pass the reviewing stand. King George, Queen Mary, Queen Alexandra, Foch, and Pershing pose after the parade. Crowds wait in the rain at Buckingham Palace to see the royalty.

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