Perfect Fear Casts Out Love: The Atomic Bomb Religion

1 year ago

By 1950, every man, woman, and child was aware of the destruction caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Though the estimated number of fatalities would later be reassessed and almost double, initial estimates counted over a hundred thousand dead.

When President Truman on September 23, 1949, announced that the Soviet Union had successfully produced and detonated an atomic bomb, fear began to spread that major cities in the United States would be obliterated. It began a debate, a very public debate, as to whether or not to proceed with the production of a thermonuclear device, referred to as a “super bomb”. ⁠It was predicted that the nuclear explosion of hydrogen would produce a blast a thousand times greater than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and would totally destroy everything within a hundred-mile radius.

This was all that was needed for the Latter Rain Revivalists to capitalize (and monetize) that fear. A flurry of new “prophecies” began to emerge among leaders of the revival that the End of Days was imminent, and news of Russia’s atomic bomb began to spread through sermons, books, and magazines published by the evangelists.

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