Agenda 21 United Nations New World Order

1 year ago

Agenda 21 was decades in the making. The “21” in the name refers to the 21st Century.For the first time Introduced at the 1992 UN “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro, President George H. Bush and leaders from 177 other nations, signed on to this “non-binding” UN action plan that was supposedly designed to assist governments at the local, national and international level the implementation of so-called “sustainable development.”

Rio+20 happened in 2012 at the UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT the attending members reaffirmed their commitment to Agenda 21 in their outcome document called “The Future We Want”. 180 nation leaders participated.

At the Sustainable Development Summit in 2015, Agenda 2030 was introduced. Agenda 2030, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, was a set of goals decided upon at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.

Agenda 21 was introduced to the U.S. legislation in 1993 when President Clinton quietly established the PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (PCSD). The PCSD codified Agenda 21 into U.S. policy through a program called SUSTAINABLE AMERICA. Today, nearly all federal programs dealing with land management, education, environment and much more are linked to Agenda 21 through Sustainable America. Let me say this again. Today, nearly all federal programs dealing with land management, education, environment and much more are linked to Agenda 21 through Sustainable America.

Europe turned out to be the continent where Agenda 21 was best accepted and most implemented. In Sweden, for example, all local governments have implemented a Local Agenda 21 initiative. Now pay close attention to what the Swedish News Propaganda pushes. Almost no one is aware that this is propaganda for the Agenda 21. The truth however, or the results if you will, looks more like this.…/

The main goals of the Agenda 21 is to CONTROL ALL RESOURCES, the deindustrialization and destroying of nation states, controlling population through UN policy and military forces and ULTIMATELY MASS DEPOPULATION. There are already multifaceted soft-kill programs underway to accomplish this goal.

THE “RED-PILLED” PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS When I read statements like: “This site has nothing to do with Agenda 21”, my usual thought is: “You have a long way to go to understand the Agenda 21.” Sure, we do mix some interesting stories and satire into the news cycle, to spice it up for the readers.

The “boring” news articles are the ones YOU SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN. The implementation of various Agenda 21 programs start on a local level. And this is where the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES comes into play. The ICLEI includes 1,227 local government members worldwide in 70 countries, with more than 600 in the United States. ICLEI USA membership grew by 58% in 2008 and by 25% in 2009. U.S. local government members include cities, towns, and counties of all sizes, from New York City and Los Angeles County to Arlington, Texas.

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