Ep 55 N8 21st Jun 23 -The Big Contract Fight

1 year ago

Personal Grievance and Breach of Contract

Liz takes us through how contracts - actually breach of contract - is an alternative way of approaching actions in the employment courts for people that have lost their jobs or are being disadvantaged in the workplace.

Common Law is always the basis for any action and much of CL has been codified in statue

Being sacked for not taking the poison, not being tested or not wearing a mask and so on all = Breach of Contract as these were never in the employment contract

Personal Grievance and Breach of Contract can be taken at the same time

Liz outlines her plan to use ERA S142 - this is not PGs and the differences in the different approaches - Common Law, Statue and Torte

Super interesting must watch


00:37 Liz: Alternative way of approaching job loss or being disadvantaged in the workplace – Contract breach not PG – Common law approach – Section 142 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Limitation period for actions other than personal grievances – Common law is the basis for any cause of action but some has been codified into statute – Can run common law and statutory actions side by side – Torte (French for harm) is PG – Harm by one party to another – PG, one person at a time – Grievance is losing the job – Also contract

04:27 Liz: Contract personal grievance – Used to be called master and servant law – Very important contract as it consumes most hours per week – PG have 90 days to submit – The harm may not appear until after 90 days – Injury could be PTSD for example – Fry v Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections (six-year window) – Spring Hill prison riots April 2012

07:37 Liz: Wasn’t a PG because theoretically there was nothing personal about it – Drug trial by state company called Queen of right of New Zealand on behalf of Pfizer? – Workers were the subjects – Employment law = breach of contract – Sue over breach – Employer under orders – Slow down tactics by respondents – EAP money making scheme using those that didn’t vax – Conspiracy theory rhetoric

13:01 Liz: Breach of contract is easy to prove – Pull apart the “we had to do it” excuse with Health Act 1956 & Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 – Insult to send those not jabbed & losing their jobs to EAP – Crooks in it for the $$$ - Under public law unlawfully put together – Treason document – 3 groups that work in air/ports, sporting bodies (agency) and those with a minister (medical, teaching etc & DHP’s) – Sue for breach

19:08 Emz & Liz: Long term career loses – No hurt and humiliation on breach, however the losses are plenty – Unilateral breach of contract – Control the workplace with extensive knowledge gained of HSWA – Sad news for the bullies – Other unionist removed flyers from a workplace Section 20 ERA, Access to workplaces– Pamphlet ENVY :) – Sue unions for not acting – Judgement commented on this – Get fee’s back – Affidavits – Through ERA not the disputes tribunal

26:54 Liz: Option for those that have already settled and want to take non-PG – Going the ministry - Conclusion to today’s discussion on BIG CONTRACT FIGHT!!!

30:50 Open chat – Speaker 3: Q: If the chief executives and ministers, if they are not there anymore, are you still suing them? – Liz: Sue the position and their names will be added to the docket – Liability doesn’t change & consequences – Interrogatories – Section 20 (3) Medicines Act 1981, the minister says that there's no warranty of safety and effectiveness – Relevant for suing for injury - Remedies for lockout – They made a lot of money – Look at treasury report for long term investment & Covid-19 therapeutics – OIA? – Propaganda?

37:08 Liz: Open chat re Michael Woods investment portfolio, minister for MBIE – List or electorate MP’s – Waihi kumbaya-1984-style jamboree – Universal Basic Income

49:23 Emz: Idea for a zoom specific to discuss new employment contracts and clauses – Nurses contract – Medical information in the workplace – Go after those that made the registry

55:01 Liz: Arguing work from home – Work from home now a preference – Stay away from office politics – Balance of power changing – Open chat: Geoengineering Lawsuits

Content links:

Section 142 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Limitation period for actions other than personal grievances

Master and Servant Act

Tort Law

Fry v Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections (six-year window)

Health Act 1956

Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

Public law “Constitutional & Administrative law”

Section 20 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Access to workplaces

Section 20 (3) Medicines Act 1981 – Restrictions on sale or supply of new medicines
No consent given under this section shall be deemed to warrant the safety or efficacy of the medicine to which the consent relates.

Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the year ended 30 June 2022

Worldwide Geoengineering Lawsuits!!! Landmark Case


Covid-19 Group latest news, better than watching paint dry - Need to visit EAP lol


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