Illuminati Law 4

1 year ago

The details of such a plan can be arduous. However, the more detailed the plan and the clearer the vision, the more likely the end-result will show itself. It came to be because of dedication to a plan. (New World Order)

New World Order 13 letters for 13 illuminati bloodlines

Habbakuk 2:2. (Illuminati Version)
States “And the Lord answered me, and said write the vision, and make it a plan upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.

1016 24 words. Freemasonry.

Illuminati 10 letters.
96 characters. Freemason.

(1016+24+96= 1136). 13 Illuminati Bloodlines.
11+36= 47-Freemason Compass.

Habbakuk 2:2.

99 characters. 23 words. Pyramids. 1029 to #’s. (1151) Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ 11 letters. 151 to #'s.
Pyramids completed on 23rd date.

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