Article Video - Don't Believe It? - Monday, June 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Don't Believe It? - Monday, June 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

My credibility is "at risk" for talking about angels and demons, things that the Bible and the Rig Vedas and other religious scriptures have described for thousands of years?

I don't think so.

There are mysteries in this world and we must be open to know the truth, or we never will know, never even glimpse the miracle we live in and the miracle that we are; instead, we will live and die in ignorance and fear, living in our little prison cells, all alone.

Fear is what makes us small, keeps us separated from Creation, and dooms us to our prison of singularity. Fear is the Enemy more than anything else.

For better or worse, I decided long ago that I will not live my life in fear.

I won't turn away from obvious logical disconnects, like being endlessly told that I am free when my labor and time on Earth is taxed and I and everyone else I know lives in fear of what pretends to be our own dear government.

No, I won't turn away and pretend that the lie is the truth.

When I realized that these THINGS in Washington, DC, are not our government, but only Municipal Corporation Subcontractors pushing their luck, it was a great relief. I realized that our actual government is still alive and that the Law is on our side.

Along the way I learned that the history of mankind is nothing like what we are taught in schools or churches -- neither so simple nor so brief. When Gregg Braden presented the evidence that we have been part of the Universe from the very beginning and that our DNA has been recording the journey -- individually and collectively for over 13 billion (with a "b") years, I was prepared for that.

I have come a long way since my unpromising girlhood and much of the progress I have made has had to be accomplished alone in the valleys of the soul and the mountains of the mind; so I no longer fear being alone or being unpopular. It does not enter my mind to obstruct whatever is true in order to promote any political agenda or preserve any false credibility for myself.

The truth is always simple, and often unbelievable, too.

Here is a short video to remind you all of that:

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