Where’s the #DaamnBeef? Beefs catnapped… & We’re scouring woods liberating cocks running from bulls?

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1 year ago

So… *this isn’t an official DT production, (by any means), more of a briefing on something going down that ultimately created major beef… Beef.
As in, the Daamn landlord, (or #DaamnLord), decided to round up all thirteen cats from our shared property - including the one We’ve adopted since moving in last year…
Our little furry friends name(?)… ‘#BEEF’.
The Daamnlord was well aware that one of these felines was indeed NØT feral… (mine).
Those of you who followed Our short lived rap career know that we’ve struggled with drugs and alcohol since we were twelve years old. Self diagnosed *Addict in 2005, at thirteen. Came to believe it a *Disease around age 15. We completed Our 8th, (& HP-willing), Our final inpatient treatment in December of 2019. (Having celebrated 3 years on March 17th.) 🙌🏽✊🏽🙏🏽
We became a father that next year.
While everyone was battling lockdowns & the changing mask mandates, We were taking on labor/birth support & changing dirty diapers! Our ‘lil MuzikMan will be 3 in August…. Wait, what!?! 3 already!? Since he was ripped out of Our world at seven months old; time didn’t listen when asked to slow the Daamn down! He’s in Our heart every day & We pray for his mother to get well & take back the horrendous allegations, LIES, she spread to help warrant legal intervention.
Diagnosed with Schizo-E-disorder proceeding the court papers, We had a psychological slip from reality… ‘temporary’ insanity… commonly referred to as a, “psychotic break.” Having forgotten basic functions at work, We began to drive to clear our head, only to end up suffering what we presumed was a heart attack. Calling 911 for help, we then ‘blacked out’ & ‘came to’ rolling along at about 8mph, (down the wrong lane), surrounded by flashing ‘red & blues’…
With an *Operational ignition-interlock installed in Our ‘yota, We assured the police We were suffering a panic attack & possible heart attack, and that We needed to speak with a mental health professional immediately. Complying with police, We proceeded to ride in an ambulance to a hospital having realized We must have blacked out again, We were suddenly in what appeared to be a sterile hospital room… except there was no equipment anywhere… nothing but a bed.
After performing all the tests they asked of Us, Including basic Impairment tests & a breathalyzer, when We then found ourself being cornered by three large policemen asking for submission to a *BloodTest. We clearly remember declining their request & began arguing the legality of the situation. Mind you, Our mental state at this time was dire… truthfully questioning whether or not they were going to perform an *exorcism on Us, after showing the officer our emergency, (Our waistline had been dramatically shrinking since suffering the initial *attack…)
Like something out of an Alfred Hitchcock film, We perceived Our stomach area getting thinner & thinner (& thinner) until We were literally fearing a massive void would appear in the center of Our *HumanSuit… We even recall Our pants eventually hanging off our waistline; NØT the only instance of reality seemingly changing with what’s introspective within Our broken powerhouse(🧠).
Upon lifting Our shirt to reveal our waist, (WASTE?), the officer immediately tackled Us onto the bed & yelled for backup. By this point We weren’t only questioning the legitimacy of the Hospital -We were seriously doubting whether or not these cops -were actually cops. What happened next forever changed Our filter while viewing Police… “…as monstrous man-like creatures in official uniforms attempted to sculpt an auntie Ann’s pretzel 🥨 out of Our perceived-structurally-compromised mass. A physical impossibility resulting in Our fully engaging *fight or flight mode, (with no probability of flight, so…)”

What’s all this have to do with a DaamnCat(?) … Where’s the #DaamnBeef (?) Beef is the first random animal I’ve personally bonded with since surviving that 3 month long psychosis… winding up on a jail phone with what We then took for ‘artificial intelligence’-generated voice-clones… (come to find out, it REALly Was Our birth-parents) 🤦🏻‍♂️
So… were We acting a fool & carrying out Our own rendition of ‘Karen’, with a ‘K’, of kourse) ? You can reign your verdict in the comments.
For more on Our transition from an insane life of dope disease & destitution - to the incredible ‘Krazy’ journey that is Our *Recovery - See #DaamnKam #RecoveryIsDiscoveryIsRecovery on locals.com @ thatDaamnTalkspot.locals.com

—- IF …you haven’t seen this story yet…—-
See full episode #DaamnAlien part1 (link below)
See full episode #DaamnAlien part2 (link below)
Yours truly, #DaamnKam,
DaamnTalkdjø is NOT about *aliens. Or *Recovery. Or *politics, *cultural affairs or *current events. Or *Spirituality nor #DaamnPhilosophy. It’s all of these Daamn things. thatDaamnTalkspot.locals.com

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