Article Video - Microsoft, SERCO, and USPTO Liquidation Required By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - Microsoft, SERCO, and USPTO Liquidation Required - Monday, June 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

"Patent number 6,754,472 states that Microsoft now owns the rights to "methods and equipment for transmitting energy and information using the human body." The company's statement says that the human body is just an object of intellectual property that is subject to licensing. Microsoft plans to connect the human body with electronic devices such as pagers and mobile phones."

We object and demand the immediate liquidation of all three offending corporations. The human body is not merely an intellectual property -- and if it were, it would be an intellectual property belonging to God, not Bill Gates or the Municipal Corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia. It is a divine creation far beyond the comprehension of a creature like Bill Gates and the Microsoft Managers pursuing this grotesque invasion of physical privacy and misrepresentation of the human body in pursuit of coercive power and profit for these criminals.

We have a better idea for a common future for humanity.

Microsoft is liquidated for unlawful activities and so is SERCO for its failure to properly monitor operations at the US Patent and Trademark Office/USPTO to prevent the issuance of Criminal Patents and failure to prevent unjust enrichment from Criminal Patents. And as the USPTO has a long history for the last few decades of issuing criminal patents and suppressing lawful technologies, the USPTO needs to go, too, and stand forfeit to our direct administration.

All the Patent Clerks and Attorneys that have been allowing this garbage to go on need to be arrested and re-educated.

The politicians failing their oversight duties and allowing this garbage to go on need to be arrested, full stop.

And most of all, Bill Gates, who has caused millions of deaths with his insanity needs to be arrested and evaluated. If he is insane, he needs to be sentenced as criminally insane and locked up. If he is rational and doing this, he needs to be sentenced for crimes against humanity and executed.

The offending patent referenced above needs to be withdrawn immediately.

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