Article Video - An End to the Nonsense - Friday, June 16, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - An End to the Nonsense - Friday, June 16, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Recently, we have been seeing would-be District Government Interlopers trying to create THEIR assemblies and substitute these British Territorial “assemblies” for the American State Assemblies we've already established.

This is part and parcel of their modus operandi --- they substituted their states-of-states for our American states-of-states after the Civil War, and they are trying to do the same thing with our Federal Republic and with our State Assemblies.

These are attempts to commandeer the rightful State Assemblies and twist them into something that they, the foreign powers, can control.

The Big Lie now is that there is "Dual Sovereignty" in this country and that there are two (2) State Assemblies, but in fact what they are talking about are their own assemblies --- their District assemblies and their Municipal assemblies, neither one of which have anything to do with the American States or the American State Assemblies.

In 1937, as we have demonstrated, the two foreign Federal Subcontractors issued what they called "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" -- and openly colluded against their employers.

Anyone who wants a copy of this is welcome to get a photo copy from our website showing all the original signatories.

The States of the Union hadn't been in Session for decades, so, they figured, why not "declare" ourselves the only "governments" in this country, and collude together to establish our "Dual Sovereignty"?

But there are a number of problems with this theory.

First and foremost, both the entities housed in the District of Columbia are foreign Municipal Corporations and as corporations possess no sovereignty at all. And their foreign "independent, international city state" has no use permit allowing it to have any land in this country.

Second, the American States are in Session, which instantly displaces any claim that these interlopers have to rule over anyone but their own employees.

The foreign Federal Subcontractors have control of approximately 25 million American employees, split between them, compared to the General Public of around 295 million Americans.

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