TheDimNews LIVE: Missing Titanic Sub | Meat Processing with Thomas Massie | Summer Solstice

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


TunedToKey Late

TunedToKey 🤠

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Throwing someone else under the bus this time!

MudderFetcher just blame a Windows Update

jbsx complain to the bus company. If the bus ran on time you guys would be here

JQuickDraw It's a big bus. It can roll over a lot of people.

TunedToKey Beverly is either fighting off a horny goose or filling her pockets with mystery peanuts & kitchen counter cookie frosting

RonGreen1 Beverly must be traveling by submarine.

TunedToKey Alex, show Missy or we riot

MudderFetcher staged cat butt appearances do not count towards the drinking game

Egerog HI

MudderFetcher not eating is very bad

jbsx i was gonna say maybe her calcium level is low

jbsx never eat taco bell

TunedToKey I heard the Volcano Menu is coming back to Taco Bell

TunedToKey I haven't had it since 2011, but a couple friends are looking forward to it

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Are chicken balls on the menu?

RonGreen1 Get a Great Pyrenees.

Egerog we had dog first then got chicks, we carefully introduced here to the young chicks. They tolerate each other's existence

MudderFetcher "Good evening. Welcome to TheDimNews. Everything is still awful. See you next week."
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Fake snake is my secret agent code name

h8yourst8 Supporter how many people died during the experiment?

MudderFetcher any animal in the road is at risk of my wife kidnapping it

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Big Boss is hot

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Metal Gear Solid 3 remake coming!!!

h8yourst8 Supporter hunter has that tattooed on his back

RonGreen1 I brake for brown bears in the road.

Egerog have you thought of doing farm videos for wanabee homesteader

MudderFetcher homesteader videos but with your nerd vlog character

MudderFetcher Alex isn't a fan of voice actors breathing

Egerog The Actors that reads the Wheels of time books are good A husband a wife team One reads Male pov chapters and wife the female ones,

MudderFetcher sometimes "artists" are just really high/drunk when they make stuff

JQuickDraw English Lit teachers and professors can be very pretentious. At least that is my memory of them when I was in school.

MudderFetcher @Egerog I tend to like husband + wife teams...the Mount & Blade games come to mind
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Hello

JQuickDraw Sometimes the real meanings in a work of fiction are lost to time. Modern readers can look at Sam and Frodo and think "gay" because they don't understand how different classes interact.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I cannot rumble chat anymore
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I think rumble has banned me

MudderFetcher I can see ya Winky

Egerog Thanks @mudderfetcher

MudderFetcher "New Tab" brain

JQuickDraw I listen to books and podcasts and such while I work. I actually can't work as efficiently without a second form of stimulous keeping my brain occupied.

MudderFetcher the internet has likely made us all a bit ADD/ADHD

Egerog I have listening to Behold Humanity on Kindle using Text to speech, It work especially if the book is good

Guyinroom83 my friend has two kids, i used to get annoyed bc he said he never had time for stuff, but.. two kids and all, to be fair

MudderFetcher I mostly use social media to updoot my friends

MudderFetcher her sex candles

Guyinroom83 that's the reason for work, i always ask 'what's the priority for this' so im not expected to do shit loads of stuff
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ so I cannot rumble chat, but I cant change CC details due to subs...which makes no sense

Guyinroom83 college professors are the height of pretentious douche
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ My dad died last year, I'll skip those films lol

MudderFetcher Daddy's Home 1 & 2 are on Fubo (free), Mr. Mom is on Max (sub)
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ max to the max

MudderFetcher Max is the worst

MudderFetcher great content...horrible app
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ True Story, Alex was watching and having a lady wank, she was stroking faster and about to come, and then, HBO webt audio only, and her vaginal stimuli clam quench went wrong.

Guyinroom83 man I don't understand people who sleep to the tv on. that's nuts. i can't really tune out to it unless its on mute

MudderFetcher @Winky would you say that she pulled a mussel?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ and a whelk

Guyinroom83 I see you guys are talking about your ailments, again
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ welcome to onlysnots

Egerog no caffeine after 4pm work wonder for my sleep

MudderFetcher Guyinroom nailed it...Alex on ailments = drink

Guyinroom83 Bev is one upping alex's ailment stories
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she is citing the ginger as a witness, trumping alex's ailemts without a witness

Guyinroom83 vertigo??
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Faces alex makes reading the chat, lol

Guyinroom83 i mediate while listening to audiobooks, while exercising, while writing

OriginalSpaghettiMonster lol shadow hunters
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's the solstice, I stood outside at 3am smoking a joint and listening to birds sing in the alll night light show.

MudderFetcher I will forever recommend True Blood (HBO)'s shit and I love it

Guyinroom83 Bevertigoly

Guyinroom83 she doesn't have vertigo, just .. gayness.

RonGreen1 I thought vertigo was a horoscope sign.

Egerog Vampire Bill

MudderFetcher I no longer search WebMD...I just message Alex
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ whichever way the crowd goes:Go in the opposite direction.

Guyinroom83 oh man. eventually everything will be on a spectrum. anyone will claim anything. im on the spectrum for schizo
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Mr Mom is a brilliant film
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex is very right here

RonGreen1 Women are much better at changing diapers than men are.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev babes, I am male and know exactly how much my cats eat per day in wet and dry food.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ 3 pouches and 2 handfuls

MudderFetcher OCD helps with nurturing

Guyinroom83 the ginger is a saint . that cat who doesn't' clean itself alone would've sent me running from a woman. plus the biting geese. evil, biting, geese.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex, damn, you make a good point, I had never viewed it that way

MudderFetcher the animals seem to like when my wife goes out of town because they know that feeding time is 9 sharp...and I might give them some wet food bribes
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ That fathers might be the emotional link, the most imprtant one...

Guyinroom83 i was wondering what makes certain women defend men more, like alex does, is it a good dad? or male influence
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ daddy issues and father issues are different things

MudderFetcher none of what Erly said is in the drinking game = free drink?

Guyinroom83 my dad isn't like, bad, but very flawed, and my one sister really doesn't like men. her and my dad fought all the time when she grew up

Guyinroom83 uh oh...
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she stole the car

Guyinroom83 was alex murdered?

MudderFetcher non-murdering lollypops are pretty delicious
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ If your seat belt meant so much he'd have given you 5 dollers

RonGreen1 Just a dollar? What a cheap bastard.

MudderFetcher good Samaritan reverse-tickets
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it just means that they look for a camera before committing a crime

Guyinroom83 great point alex. that stopped me from talking a lot growing up, had terrible social anxiety and people going 'HE TALKED??" made it worse
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Long arms, small boobs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I am now a woman, I want to wrestle me some bitches

Guyinroom83 my dad is just basically hell to live with. other than that, still very flawed, but, not living with him helps
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Why do americans mutilate their male sons upon birth?

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Money, why else?

MudderFetcher whole lotta self-hating ideologies these days

Guyinroom83 agree alex. I'm also thinking of people like 'col kurtz' on youtube who defends a lot of men being accused right now

MudderFetcher Alex please stop seducing the inernet with you eye rubs

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it is called Titan I believe

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It costs like 250K per person to go

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the world is not losing anyone

MudderFetcher I done spent $250,000 on this tour but never notice the bargain-big controller

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ a few families are

RonGreen1 🎶 We all live in a yellow submarine 🎶

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ If it was a few males who built their own submarine to go check out squids and it lost comms and they had 48 hours to breathe...

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ WOuld there be this level of rescue effort?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ also, it was an insurence job

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am guessing that Joe Bob and Billy do not get the international rescue effort

MudderFetcher drowning seems like not fun

JQuickDraw I think a submerssible is a smaller unit for just a small number of people.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ A submersible is a watercraft designed to operate underwater, usually supported by a nearby surface vessel, platform, shore team, or sometimes a larger submarine. The main technical difference between

MudderFetcher submersible vs submarine = probably about $30 on a solid gamepad

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The main technical difference between a submersible and a submarine is that submersibles are not fully autonomous

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Alex is correct

RonGreen1 Submarines have nuclear missiles. Subversibles have game controllers.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I was designed to live underwater, but I evolved and live on land now

JQuickDraw Submarine: See Submersible / Submersible: See Submarine.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ is it yellow?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The cool submarine crowd
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's actually a big green submarine

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I almost drowned once
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sounds like the oscars

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ panicked and then realized I'm a beavr

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I looked it up of course

MudderFetcher "Ahhh! This is the End!" is my least favorite sex move

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Beavr do not need submarines. We are submersibles

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Das Boot was an excellent movie

Guyinroom83 we could be misgendering pbeavr. Is a pbeavr even a male or female?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Below was also an underrated thriller

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Perhaps you can do a stream reviewing those movies

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ in honor of the soon to be pronounced lost at sea

JQuickDraw The people sit on the huge beaver's tail, like a magic carpet ride.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Widowmaker
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev, subs go underwater

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ all are pretty good

JQuickDraw Also, Down Periscope with Kelsey Grammer lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Red Planet was good

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the dual movies happen all the time

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it has to be insiders working to compete

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Attack on LA and some other alien movie
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Big studio takes 3-8 years to make a film, rip off stuidios can do same film in a month

JQuickDraw Deepstar Six and Leviathan were both late 80s underwater monster movies.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ exactly

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The knock-offs are frequent

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ as are the adult versions

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Independents Days

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Independence Day

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The adult version names win the day
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ there were like 10 low budget things at same time

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Phantom Menace or Panty Menace

JQuickDraw Also, Debbie Does Dallas and Brenda Bangs Baltimore came out a year apart.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's about quality, a studio has a genre of film releasing, everyone want to counter their move, this is their business model

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The owner refused to allow an independent safety check

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ assured people his own safety team proved it is 100% safe
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Cartman singing sail away lol

Guyinroom83 one of my favorite knockoff titles was 'the day the earth stopped' guess the real movie
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ theday the earth stood still

MudderFetcher this guy kinda shit the bed

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Just like the Titanic, Britannic and Olympic

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ ye

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the Titan owner refused

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ he will be sued

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Nope

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am not sure if he ever went down in it himself

MudderFetcher 4 second meat processing
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ wtf is this?

Guyinroom83 @winky yep you win

MudderFetcher this is an American wanker @Winky
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ did farmers have to eat rheir own meat?

Guyinroom83 more like the TIT-anic am I right

MudderFetcher bowlcut boring

MudderFetcher and I like Massie

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ de-regulation an de-centralisation are both good

RonGreen1 The interstate commerce clause and a 1930's supreme court case gave the government authority to regulate farm products.


pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Some animals do not have pain receptors though I am not sure which ones

RonGreen1 Producing kosher food used to be controlled by the Mafia. True story.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But if lions and other predators are meat eaters and need meat they do in fact cause painful deaths

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it's nature

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ play with your food

Guyinroom83 how is Bevvy (trying that out) not a vegetarian?

Guyinroom83 unless she is and I forgot

Guyinroom83 Bevvy is very gay, nvm

Guyinroom83 can I have this is a trans friendly cup plzzzz?

Guyinroom83 wow, good idea for nachos

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Humans are not good stewards of earth

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ trash is every where due to how many are so lazy

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ but the climate narratives are nonsense and an effort to gain control

RonGreen1 The Toyota Prius was once the epitome of environmental virtue signaling.😂

Guyinroom83 lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Waiting to see the drive of a Prius emerge is rarely disappointing

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yep. Exactly what was expected to emerge

RonGreen1 Use plastic bags to save trees. Ban plastic bags because they're bad for the environment.

Guyinroom83 it was geese salad, wasn't it.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Don't name your food

Guyinroom83 for some reason i really think cat or dog would taste like ass

JQuickDraw Beverly, if you live in the middle of nowhere, just put up a "Motel" sign. Travelers who happen onto your cozy little inn will take longer to be missed. Not saying anything here, just saying.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Not bred for meat.

Guyinroom83 @JQuick great idea. or "parking" if you live near a fair, or events or something

Guyinroom83 may be harder to off people when they park though. short window
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ BEAR GRILL FACW

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ If a human is starving they will eat their neighbors children

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Alex Jones was right

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ ew

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Meal worms smell like poo

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ You probably would like ramps as well

Guyinroom83 look up 'maggot cheese' people eat it

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Most foods have an "allowable bug content"

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It's not on the label but it's a thing

RonGreen1 How to properly eat bugs is taught in survival schools.

Guyinroom83 next washpo headline: "shrimp has a huge waste problem. it's time to address it."

Guyinroom83 eat ze bugs

Guyinroom83 yep. it's probably Bevvy's fav cheese

Guyinroom83 i think gordon ramsey tried it

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I believe imports on absinth may have been banned

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But use was not illegal

Guyinroom83 lol. one good way to drive up your sales is to pretend its illegal

JQuickDraw @Guyinroom83 Gotta be careful not to crib too much from the master, H H Holmes. But a tasteful homage would be nice.

RonGreen1 The Amish were persecuted for selling raw milk to neighbors.

RonGreen1 Biden is using the short steps on the plane now.😂

RonGreen1 All aboard.
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
High five for another great show.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

RonGreen1 Gnite ladies

JQuickDraw Beverly Conversion Time is a sliding scale, the more she insists she will be on time, the later she will be,

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Hahahaha.

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