i don't have to make a thing out of it, it has made a thing outta me

1 year ago

damn i look like an old wiccan hag...am i a hag yet? oh no!
people look forward to my meow
some appreciate weird, most are freaked out
arlo committed suicide cos he had higher hopes for me i guess
i knew the man in my head was gonna critique me haha
i am crazy okay, we have always been well aware of this fact
the shrinks got it wrong so i had to get it right
disassociative identity disorder...i think that's in relation to gender dysphoria
to the untrained eye/ear...
the mental illness spectrum is quite intimidating
crazy cat ladeh explained
cats and schizos are very similar, esp the whole 9 lives...we double bookkeep
late at night paisley runs around like crazy and chases things that aren't there so yeah i get the comparison haha
you're just jelly of the crazy cat ladeh, we don't care that you judge us!
most would kill themselves if they dealt w/ all this clamor
women don't naturally have order and discipline established which is why they should have a man to set them straight, NO ABUSE NO ABUSE NO ABUSE
thinking your superior is no better than being emotionally unstable
you can still be a piece a shit lying n manipulating
not much of an upgrade, still clusterB haha and in no way closer to clusterA
imma pretend that you just asked me about my views on all this
schizos are curious like cats
we are way more curious than the general public naturally, we don't tweet about it haha
america proved how terrible it is during "covid"
your hero dt proved it and you still don't get it
your perjorative doesn't mean shit
i am wise due to the way i think that's it. i am actually not that smart like at all haha, i have a very low IQ or maybe i just suck at standardized tests idunno.
i just question and never stop that's all...i just want so.ciety to be better and you can't ever be satisfed w/ a solution
what is that sumin in the air
people be way more spiteful now (i don't think it's just the V, it's the 5g and all the other toxins constantly polluting our air and water supply and food industry)
we love terrence so much
capitalism is very masculine, i am the omega male
they don't want $ they want self-confidence thru attention/validation
your "red pill" is laced w/ fetanyl, best wishes

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