STEALING AMERICA Vote By Vote - Documentary - HaloDocs

1 year ago

STEALING AMERICA: Vote by Vote brings together behind-the-scenes perspectives from the U.S. presidential election of 2004 – plus startling stories from key races in 1996, 2000, 2002 and 2006. Unbiased and nonpartisan, the film sheds light on a decade of vote counts that don't match votes cast – uncounted ballots, vote switching, under-votes and many other examples of election totals that warrant serious investigation.

Throughout STEALING AMERICA, we hear from voters who experienced a wide range of problems, including those whose votes flipped from one candidate to another and those whose polls didn't have enough machines to serve the number of voters. Investigative journalists describe how their reportage on election fraud was sidelined. First-person citizen testimonies speak of waiting in line nine hours to vote. We hear how polling experts’ requests for essential information –
such as precinct voting data necessary to examine irregularities – had been rejected, while ballots were being systematically destroyed, making audits impossible.

Narrated by Peter Coyote and features film clips and interviews, including those from Greg Palast, Brad Friedman, Ion Sancho, Pete McCloskey, Paul Craig Roberts, Harvey Wasserman, Bob Hagan, Charles Traylor, Bob Fitrakis, Charles Lewis, Avi Rubin, John Zogby, Clint Curtis, and former employees from Diebold.

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