Leave Activities in the A.E.F., 1919

1 year ago

Reel 1, a tugboat passes the waterfronts of Le Boucau and Bayonne. U.S. soldiers detrain at Bayonne and visit a cathedral. Y.M.C.A. and Knights of Columbus workers greet soldiers at Biarritz, escort them to hotels and a dance, and guide them on shopping trips and tours. Soldiers tour Saint-Malo, attend a dance, and visit Mont Saint-Michel. Y.M.C.A. workers distribute Christmas gifts to French children. Shows views of Nice from the Alps, street scenes, and soldiers on the beach and in a casino. Reel 2, soldiers tour the Casino of Monte Carlo. Shows street scenes and landmarks in Nice and Cannes. Negro soldiers tour Challes-les-Eaux and Chambery with Y.M.C.A. guides. Soldiers ride a train to Mount Revard, climb mountains, hike, ski, sled, and play hockey. Y.M.C.A. official. A.B. White (Ex-Gov., Va.) points out the landmarks in Annecy. Soldiers canoe and visit forts. Y.M.C.A. girls serve lemonade. Reel 3, sightseeing soldiers view Roman bridges, amphitheatres, and temples in France; visit the Church of Saint Aventin; take mineral baths; view the Cathedral of Lourdes; watch Red Cross and Army stage plays; listen to the 144th Inf. band at Grenoble; play volleyball; fish for trout; and view a pelota match.

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