Tearing down Confederate monuments and graves is stupid

1 year ago

Liberals are beyond stupid and dumb and never stop crying ever, they cry so much about everything under the sun!!! They say the color red is racist, everything is racist to them all the time, they are offended by Confederate monuments and want to rip them down, they were tougher than a dumb college is today, Americans in the 19th century America lived tough lives, men and boys worked outside the home, they cut wood down, butchered hogs, planted on the farm, women made all the food, clothes, soaps that were just a bar with no scent, they raised the children, girls learned how to sew, cook, take care of the house, do laundry and you courted back then, you never went by yourself on a date at all, rules were strict and if the gentleman liked you he would ask permission to marry you and it was not fancy at all, just simple wedding dress and then you went into his house no honeymoon they did not do that at all, Thomas Jackson was a Christian and best general ever he died in May 1863 and never got to see his daughter Julia grow up, Robert E. Lee had 7 kids and was away at war, they were father's, brothers, uncles, friends and went off to war, they marched in the rain, snow, heat, sun, had salt pork to eat, hardtack, corn mush, they were tough and would hate America today!! Ripping down Confederate monuments and graves does nothing, liberals are communist's period and just toddlers that get whatever they want now or we cry!!!!!

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