Pershing's Crusaders

1 year ago

On World War I. Reel 1 shows rubble in Belgium; the Lusitania and German naval ships in N.Y. harbor; Pres. Wilson in his office; and Liberty Loan statistics. Draft questionnaires are indexed. Army clothing and shoes are made. Shows a post laundry. Troops visit Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., and K. of C. clubrooms. Shows panoramic views of a shipyard. Reel 2, ships are launched and shells inspected. Sec. Baker draws draft numbers. Draftees detrain, eat, and fight a mock battle at an Army camp. Shows aerial maneuvers. Naval guns are loaded and fired. Troops debark from the Leviathan at Brest, Fr. Pershing inspects troops. U.S. troops parade in Paris. Reel 3, Pershing, Marshals Joffre and Foch, Pres. Poincare, Amb. Sharp, Paul Painleve, Adm. Lacaze, and Gen. Dubail attend ceremonies at the Invalides. Signal Corps wire is strung. Shows bayonet drill. Engrs. and 1st Div. troops march to the front. Aviation units reconnoiter. Gen. Edwards reviews the 25th Div. Reel 4, communication lines are strung in trenches. Wounded are treated. Troops receive mail. Sec. Baker and Pershing inspect positions. German prisoners are brought to the rear. Pershing and Gen. Pouydrequin review French and U.S. troops. Shows Pres. Wilson at the White House.

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