IoJ Speaks At HHS OGA To Protest IHR Amendments: June 20, 2023 HHS Stakeholder Listening Session

1 year ago

Interest of Justice speaks for the third time at the Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs (HHS OGA) to once again protest the IHR Amendments and also to expose the WHO for refusing to answer criminal charges of serious breach of international obligations by undue experimentation and crimes against humanity.

Here's the transcript below:
First: HHS and WHO still owe us a response from May 2022 and 2023. HHS is in the wrong for moving forward with these IHR amendments when we testified here last month to show you your very clear duty to leave the WHO for International breach of obligations and delicts.

4. Second, The amendments cannot be binding. Jus cogens international norms would require the binding recommendations of a specialized agency that cause damages to waive immunity and be responsible for reparations.

5. Article 1 outrageously attempts to make investigational vaccines and gene based therapies as well as "other vague health technologies". Experimental biological agents are not a health product. The proposed definition is void and reckless because FDA website states "investigational biologics are not found by FDA to be safe or effective and furthermore may cause serious adverse reactions".

6. Annex 6 would unlawfully consider vaccination certificates for research phase products. The concept of Digital ID's, certificates and QR codes is disproportionate and the WEF risk report this month admits they can facilitate “the identification, surveillance and persecution of individuals or groups.”

7. Annex 1 pg 33 countering misinformation and disinformation is not within the authority of the WHO or member states and as its been used, it already allows for the weaponization of government to systematically suppress free thought, a non derogable right that can never be limited. These misinformation programs flat violate jus cogens and are therefore void.

8. Article 3 removing well established respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms for arbitrary undefined words is an assault on rule of law, dignity of man and obviously void

9. We remind HHS that if you dare adopt one void provision that violates peremptory norms of jus cogens human rights, which the majority of proposals do violate these norms, it will automatically render the entire instrument void.

10. It is worth mentioning that A UK FOIA regarding the proposed amendments reveals "a legal opinion and a risk analysis regarding the U.K. position" is not able to released because "releasing the requested information would likely harm the relations between the United Kingdom and other WHO member States and also UK interests abroad". Right there it goes to show the proposed amendments sound good in public but in secret the amendments are inherently harmful to diplomatic relations between WHO member States. HHS must leave the WHO now. Its your duty.

Thank you very much!

IOJ is very proud of all the people who came to speak up. It goes to show the power of an individual because in May 2022 IOJ stumbled across the opportunity to speak and in turn we applied this year which we got to speak May 3rd, 2023. This led to us getting a return invite by HHS and we then shared the opportunity with researcher/activist James Roguski to share with our audiences... the result: we PACKED THE MEETING with real honest good people who really forced HHS to realize the real consensus is NO we the People do not want these amendments to the IHR.

HHS promised the group that they will listen to us and read our written comments and insist" NOTHING HAS BEEN ADOPTED OR CONCLUDED".

We are winning! IoJ will not stop until humanity wins this! #ExitTheWho #SueTheWHO

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