Uncovering Asia's Haunted Bangar Fort #ghosts #haunted #cursed

1 year ago

Bangar Fort is a famous haunted location in India and many believe it to be the most haunted area in Asia. Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpuBZSey8_b4fBGJGYhyvig?sub_confirmation=1
#Ghost #Haunted #cursed
The fort was constructed in the 17th century and legend has it that a wizard who studied black magic, resided there, fell in love with the princess of Bangar. He ended up creating a potion for the princess and hoped that he would persuade her to be with him. However, the girl saw through the wizard's tricks and threw the potion onto a nearby boulder which caused it to roll down the hill towards the fort. Seconds before the wizard's death he cursed the whole area so that no one would be able to live in the fort ever again.

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▶️13 Knocks– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M05xVETHvUE&ab_channel=AppalachianGothicParanormalCommunity
▶️ The Slithering House/ Gwendolyn’s House– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEGYiANXLiI&ab_channel=AppalachianGothicParanormalCommunity
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//My Books
• Haunted Appalachia: https://shorturl.at/bjtH4
• Bizarre TriCities: https://shorturl.at/azG68
• The Demon Machine: https://shorturl.at/azJ14
• Infectious: https://shorturl.at/JSY29
• Virginia Creeper: https://shorturl.at/vEGLV

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👉 Website for Laura Wright/L. Chambers Wright- https://laurawrites.net.

If you read this far, thank you so much. This channel is to highlight the Appalachian paranormal world through photos, ghost stories, and other forms of art. I started Appalachian Gothic on YouTube around the same time as the website https://appalachiangothic.com.

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