First flight of the crow-copter

1 year ago

Matt Turley is showcasing his big new idea. What Sikorsky did for the helicopter, Matt is doing for crow shooting. Behold: the crowcopter (also known as the Turley-Whurley) . It’s a brilliant method of bringing in corvids when you are shooting from among trees.

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Why shoot corvids?
Crows, rooks, magpies and jackdaws are a farm pest that eat crops and animal feed. They are on the ‘general licences’ for shooting across the UK, with some local variations. They are usually shot over decoys.
They are omnivorous predators and occur across all habitats. They are major predators of ground-nesting birds, waders and song birds, consuming both eggs and young chicks.
Corvid predation particularly impacts thrushes (White, P.J.C., Stoate, C., Szczur, J. & Norris, K.J. 2014). Research has shown that the populations of curlew, golden plover and lapwing are significantly improved by controlling corvid numbers (GWCT Research Waders on the Fringe 2010).
Crows also predate on lambs and young livestock, and can damage newly-sown cereal crops, particularly in winter and spring when other food sources are scarce.

We’re proud to promote enjoyment of fieldsports and the countryside. There are three guiding principles to everything we do on Fieldsports Channel:
â–¶ Shoot responsibly
â–¶ Respect the quarry
â–¶ Ensure a humane, clean and quick kill

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