HIGH NOON / An URGENT WORD from the Spirit of The LORD!

1 year ago

Aloha & Shalom!
Sharing some words that God has spoken and continues to speak VERY LOUDLY into my spirit by HIS Spirit! Sharing from my heart as God leads! Amen..
[Scriptural References:
Psalm 24; I John 5:7-8; Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Genesis 3:8; Daniel 24:25;
Hebrews 11:1; Ephesians 3:20; Psalm 37:1-7; John 14:1-14; Matthew 7:7-8]

Please SHARE & Hit (Rumble) or (Like)..this is a message that I believe with all my heart will bless you and others who are discouraged and have lost focus on the Word of God and whose Faith may be waning with all that the enemy keeps throwing our way. DO NOT LOSE HOPE - DO NOT LOSE FAITH - DO NOT LOSE SIGHT - IN HE WHO HAS ALREADY WON - OUR GOD, OUR FATHER, OUR LORD! AMEN!

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Mahalo (thank you) & E AKUA Pu (GODs Blessings to You)
'Kahu' (Pastor) Skip

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