2 Kings 11- 12 Kings of Compromise - Part 27: “Faithful Witness in Evil Times"

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How can we be faithful in our witness to Christ or for Christ to unbelievers in evil times?
It looks like the world is going to hell in a hand-basket. It looks like the powers of evil are triumphing over good: societal decay, UFOs, aliens, WEF, apocalyptic films...

It looks like people are so confused there's no bringing them back and we're on the brink of destruction or self implosion.

But, what we're experiencing right now dear Christian is nothing new!

The TRUTH is: It's not the big moments of deliverance through which God rescues His people. Sometimes it's the private unseen commitments and simple service of His people that God uses to deliver His people.

This is an amazing portion of Scripture: 2 Kings 11 and 12 clearly provide a picture of the cosmic order of the calendar of events on God's cosmic calendar and it teaches us about what to do in the midst of dark and evil times.

I am so excited to come to you with this content-- EVERY Pastor should preach on it. Let'd dig right in.

Start [0:0]
▶ Faithful Witness in Evil Times [1:42]
▶ How does God use simple moments to deliver His people: [3:00]
▶ What makes a miracle? [4:06]
▶ How common are miracles? [4:56]
▶ Why does it look like evil is winning? [5:30]
▶ Through the Text 2 Kings 11-12 Athaliah, Ahaziah, and Joash [5:54]
▶ King Joash Family Tree explained [7:15]
▶ Who is Jehosheba? [9:00]
▶ We have the weapons of the Lord [12:23]
▶ The Bible is pro-woman [19:42]
▶ 2 Chronicles Account of Joash's end [39:34]
▶ Who do Christians need to keep their eyes on? [41:33]
▶ Sometimes it's not the big moments in public that preserve God's people [43:18]
▶ God's promises are trustworthy [44:31]
▶ What are the truths about Christ? [45:19]
▶ Jesus is the rightful King [46:00]
▶ Can you love the Lord and love the Church? [46:26]

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