The Great Freeset

1 year ago

Great Freeset vs Great Reset: "We're Going to Get Out of the Cage" and "Set Ourselves Free"

Dr Tess Lawrie (🇬🇧) sat down with the New American's Veronika Kyrylenko (🇺🇸🇺🇦) at this month's Better Way Conference in Bath, UK for an exclusive interview about The Great Freeset (, as well as the goals of the World Council for Health and the evolution of its mission, which has naturally expanded to counteract the Great Reset in the areas of health, freedom and sovereignty.

Dr Lawrie: "The one way to counter The Great Reset, which is about controlling humanity, reducing us to hackable animals, is actually to say, thanks for opening our eyes, this is a great opportunity, in actual fact, we're going to set ourselves free. We're going to get out of the cage that you have planned for us, and actually reestablish ourselves as sovereign human beings that govern ourselves, think for ourselves, follow our hearts and our conscience, and we know right from wrong. And we're not going to put up with this."

"Dystopia is not really terribly attractive."

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