Anthem of the All-Russian Fascist Party - Знамёна выше!

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

The VFO was a russian party, mainly consisting of émigrés of the White Movement, led by Anastasy Vonsyatsky based in Connecticut, USA.
The VFO shared some common interests with the Russian Fascist Party, led by Konstantin Rodzaevsky and based in Harbin, Manchukuo, and event tried to merge the two parties, but the alliance soon was broken due to ideological incompatibilities (the VFO was against anti-semitism unlike the RFP, and opposed the alliance between the RFP and monarchists), and the VFO broke free.
In 1941 Vonsyatsky officialy resumed his party's collaboration with the RFP, and due to the beggining of the war in America and Roosevelt's policy of censorship, was arrested by the FBI and had his party dissoluted.
Despite using nazi symbolism, the VFO was against both German and Japanese hegemony, and didn't support german policies of anti-semitism
Quoting Vonsyatsky himself: "Fascisms are different. The German, Italian, and Russian Fascisms are different in many respects. The Russian Fascist Party is just a united movement of Russians against Communism, and Fascism is the only political society on the earth at the present time that can wipe out Communism. Force is the only thing that can knock it down."

Lyrics in russian:

Заря близка, Знамёна выше, братья!
Смерть палачам свободы дорогой!
Звенящий меч фашистского врагам проклятья
Сметёт навеки их кровавый строй.

Соратники! Нас ждёт земля родная!
Все под знамёна! Родина зовёт…
Вонсяцкий-Вождь, измену, трусость презирая,
На подвиг нас, фашистов, поведёт.

Рубашки чёрные, готовьтесь к бою!
Железный фронт фашистов мы сомкнём
И на врага, вперёд, железную стеною
Бесстрашно, как один, мы все пойдём.

Победы день торжественный настанет,
Слетит колхоз и Сталин с ГПУ,
И свастика над Кремлем ярко засияет,
И чёрный строй пройдёт через Москву!

PS.: This is my first attempt to fully translate russian, I don't know much of this language but I did my very best so read this before correcting. Also I apologize for not being able to remove the background noise, this song is very old and any attempt to modify the tune would inutilize it.

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