Thieves! Reclaiming Her Moment! 'Justice' RME! | Thu. 6-22-23

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Shameless stealing! Or a warning PSA? Black grad takes mic! J6 Hispanic's sentence: Just? Libs target Thomas, Alito!

The Hake Report, Thursday, June 22, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Topics: Stealing! Graduation fight! "Justice"
0:03:03 Hey, guys! Volcom Indian tee
0:06:51 Shamelessly robbing a Walgreens!
0:13:48 Nastiness toward missing sub rich people
0:20:25 Car break-in tutorial from Atlanta: PSA?
0:29:28 DAVID, FL: Atari, bad kids, OJ suspect, Tom Petty
0:40:27 Graduation: black gal took her moment back
0:57:58 輕撫妳的臉 (Caress Your Face) - Jacky Cheung
1:03:30 Supers: amoral Walgreens, X-Files segment?
1:08:24 Supers: Evil father? Too much makeup!
1:11:25 Coffees: Jesus/race, whites scared
1:16:25 TONY: Europeans doing stupid things, dying
1:26:37 WILLIAM: goes after black callers
1:37:54 J6 David Rodriguez, 12.5-yr sentence
1:44:55 ProPublica vs Thomas, Alito
1:48:05 False start with JOHN, KY
1:48:29 Supers: Celebrating evil? Summer! KY John
1:52:12 Open Society Foundations ad: India liar
1:56:02 孤獨探戈 (Solitary Tango, Live) - Andy Hui


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