A.I. Invasion A.U.R.A. Session

1 year ago

In this A.U.R.A. Past Life Regression Hypnosis & Entity Removal, this client travels to a future life, which is years ahead of this time and space in this current life.

He shares what will happen to us in the coming years regarding A.I. Technology taking over the planet and the human race. This is happening NOW as we speak. Do NOT ALLOW A.I. to merge with your soul and your energy.


This is a session you don’t want to miss because it IS YOUR FUTURE. It is OUR future. Please watch and listen so you can awaken to the truth of what is going on in our reality and what you can do to co create the world we want for our future together for our children! THIS IS THE END TIMES.

The end of the old world and your new beginning-IF YOU CHOOSE IT.

Book at www.angelanathas.com

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