PEAK Star Citizen Experience (Star Citizen Piracy)

1 year ago

Pirates always urge traders to use escorts. We don't like it easy. We want cheek-clenching experiences when we set out to.. 'reappropriate' resources from other players. This is a PvP game. Stanton is not high-sec. These guys have the right idea: running risky cargo requires protection. Granted, they happened to run into us on a day when we were running a small crew, and if we had just one more ship with us, they would have still gone down rather easily. But the point is, if you're going to run around with valuable cargo, bring some extra firepower.

Find someone to run your trade routes with you, split the upfront cost and profits and it's a more emergent and engaging experience for everyone, including any pirates who try to take your booty!


#starcitizen #piracy #starcitizenpiracy #gaming #pcgaming #starcitizengameplay #pvp

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