Article Video - The Treaty and Contract Fraud - Friday, June 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Treaty and Contract Fraud - Friday, June 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:
The proliferation of incorporated entities has been allowed under treaty, most specifically the Ghent and Utrecht Treaty Series, which our government signed in good faith.

At no time did we agree to be ruled over by paper entities created by our own hands or anyone else's; any supposition otherwise requires overturning the Maxims of Law and the Order of Creation, which strictly and absolutely requires that no creation is greater than its creator.

Failure to observe and honor this truth, that the creator is always greater than the creation, is blasphemy of the highest order, and conforms within the hierarchy of Original Sin as Cause for Action under Ecclesiastical Law.

This foundational principle of law, that the creator is always greater than the creation, and both the aforementioned Treaty Series governing the creation and ownership and administration of corporations, have been undermined by foreign Territorial and Municipal Corporations merely tasked to provide enumerated government services exercised under our delegated powers.

The context and nature of our Constitutional Agreements are not in question. As the international and lawful government representing the State Citizens who are Parties to these venerable Constitutions, we are calling upon the other Principals to bring their Agents and Subcontractors into compliance with both their trust obligations and their contractual service obligations.

The British Territorial Subcontractor has not been in honor since 1860.

The direct Municipal Subcontractor has not been in honor since 1878.

In the absence of honor, good faith is not in evidence, either.

This has led to our Military Services being unlawfully converted into private mercenary services under the control of a foreign government, being paid for with our money by a foreign Paymaster.

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