BlackRock Headhunter Political Bribery & Financial Rape of Ukraine. James O'Keefe

1 year ago

BlackRock Headhunter Political Bribery & Financial Rape of Ukraine. James O'Keefe
Recorded by hidden camera OkeefeMediaGroup / Theouterlight. June 21st, 2023
I have not been a fan of O'Keefe since Brendon O'Connell and Mike Gill exposed his ties to Blackmail/ Extortion and the New Hampshire Cartel. That is most likely the True Reason James O'Keefe was ousted from his own company.
However, this BlackRock clip is extremely relevant.
This is exactly how Nation Building - War Exploitation by Banksters, Mega Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex works.
American Citizens pay for the Death and Destruction, Politicians get paid off, the Banksters and Mega Corporations come in and Exploit the Land and Natural Resources and Make a Killing Off of the Misery, Suffering and Death.
This also happens to highlight Stock Market Manipulation and Insider Trading Practices.
It is a long and well established system.
But of coarse they are not simply opportunists. These plans are part of every War Before they even begin.
This is but an extremely small look behind the entire evil system. The are complete Psychopaths.
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