BlackRock, Corruption, and Craziness in Schools

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Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on June 21, 2023.

[00:30] James O'Keefe Exposes BlackRock (15 minutes)
Corruption in the United States government is not limited to the Biden crime family. The O'Keefe Media Group—led by the former head of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe—published a covert recording of a BlackRock employee discussing how the company buys the allegiance of politicians.

[15:00] Far Right Rises in Europe (11 minutes)
Far-right parties are gaining traction in Europe because they are willing to address major problems that other parties ignore. Video of a migrant attempting to kidnap a child in broad daylight has been spreading on French social media, prompting politicians to call for major change. In Germany, support for far-right parties is growing as Germans grow more anxious about the future.

[26:35] The Death of Gender Reality (12 minutes)
Recent United Kingdom news stories reveal that students in primary and secondary schools are being allowed to identify as animals. A teacher at one school called two students "despicable" for questioning the mental health of a student who identifies as a cat.

[38:30] The Real Meaning of the Rainbow (17 minutes)
The rainbow flag is everywhere, but this design is a bold perversion of something pure, wholesome and beautiful. The origins of the rainbow, revealed in the book of Genesis, are deeply inspiring and filled with hope.

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