The Gay & Trans Agenda In America | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago


Sex is the most addicting drug in America; sex sells
Dare to go where most churches will not
Our church has taken heat before and we will be fine after today
Let me preface this by saying that no one is excluded from the temptation of lust and sex
We are all sexual beings easily tempted into sexual sin
Doesn’t matter if you are a guy or a girl, young or old, single or married
Lust in America is like a lion devouring whomever it can regardless of age, sex, or race.
Sex and lust has gone from the bedroom to the big screen
Have you noticed our culture is getting darker at a high acceleration
Smash the gas towards wickedness, corruption and depravity in regards to human sexuality
I want to give a biblical response to the Woke Sexual agenda that has invaded every sphere of our world
In particular the Gay & Transgender agenda in our culture
So many in our church are navigating these issues with family members
I was born like this: yes that is why you must be born again
God loves me just the way I am; No he loves you way more than that
Message = Jesus saves, heals and transforms
Address the issue head on
1 Peter 3:15
Sexuality is under assault
Sex & Image of God
Karl Barth
The enemy comes after human sexuality to distort it
Sexual sin is unique sin
Run for your life
Sinning against your own body
Sexual Sin is unique
Not all sins are equal; any sin makes you a sinner but not all sins are equal
Yeah but that's all Old Testament Law
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
1 Timothy 1:9-10
Sexually Immoral = Sex with someone who is not your spouse; adultery & beastility
Is being gay a sin? yes both Old & New Testaments say this

Romans 1
Romans 1:18-32
This was written 2000 years ago but is exactly what has happened in our society
2007 = Barack Obama & Joe Biden
White House lit up as a rainbow
Rainbow flag at White House
Confusion has set in our nation
1/3 Americans believe there is more than one gender
Satan is the author of confusion
20% of Gen Z identify as Lgbtq
This demonic agenda is growing at a speed that here very soon be unsustainable
Corporate America
Bud Light
Eric Carnell = Transgender Satanist
North face
Why are these companies willing to lose so much money?
CEI = Corporate Equality Index
Blackrock is the largest investor of Target
Largest Asset holder of most companies = $85 Trillion
Megan Fox
Dwyane Wade
LA Dodgers & sisters of perpetual indulgences
Flying Pride Flag
Insanity has taken hold of our culture
This is what happens when a society REJECTS God
We are in a fast downward spiral
3 Things Have Happened
1. Many have succumb to a depraved mind
2. Deception has become truth
3. Demonic strongholds have taken place
Gay & Transgender Movement is DEMONIC
Satan is going after the children and their sexuality

Attack On Children
Mom & Dad FIGHT for your kids
You cannot keep them out of this dark world but you can keep the dark world out of them
It is your responsibility to disciple your children
Model before your kids
If Church is not important to you don't expect it to be important to your children
If you teach your kids that sports come before time with God and the community don't be shocked when they grow up to worship those things
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
It is your responsibility to raise your children to live for God
When they become adults you cannot control them but you can pray for them continually
All of these seems really bad and it is; I'm not going to lie to you
The closer we get to the end the worse things will get
But can we do in the midst of it?

Our Response
2 Peter 3:10-14
Live Holy Lives
We should not be shocked when the world acts like the world
We should be concerned when the Church doesn't act like the Church
It does no good yelling at the darkness
Shining light though is effective
Take the log out of our own eye so we can help with the speck in others
The church needs to experience revival
I’m not talking about services every night
Revival is much more than a service that last hours or days or even weeks but is a lifestyle
Revival is:
Being excited to serve God with new vigor
Reading the Word with passion
Not treating your wife life garbage
Being present with your children
Honoring God w/your wealth
Experience breakthrough
Not just going through the motions of what your supposed to do
But being who we are supposed to be as the Church
Revival is not for the comfortable and complacent but the desperate
If our church just becomes a nice one hour production we have missed it
Unfortunately the Church in America has found itself going through the motions
We need revival
Revival changes everything
Who is Revival for? Us
Our response - be the church; salt and light
Fly our flag for the world to see
Romans 1:16

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