Bear incredibly climbs up massive tree

1 year ago

Got to see something few people get to see in real time 🤩 and that’s a bear 🐻 going for a leisurely 80+ft climb up a tree 😳 as we were fishing in Emerald Bay @critterzglass noticed a commotion going on on shore as we looked over we saw a young bear running around, as we kept watching he decided to go for a tree climb 🌲 not going to lie we were both scared as he got higher and higher we’d be witnessing this dude go for a fall 😬 as he got higher the only reason we could come up with as to why he was doing this was to get the osprey eggs at the top 🦅 he was about 20-30ft from getting there when branches started to break 🙄 at that point he made the wise decision to turn around 🙏🏽😳 feeling pretty lucky we got to witness nature at it’s fullest 🤘🏽😍

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