i don't wanna shit on women anymore *i know, it's weird for me, too

1 year ago

piano punk is my answer to depression
if you're not depressed fuck you
i suck at lying i have made several attempts during low points in my life...
being an honest female is quite the anomaly
i spy: red roof inn
megaphone/speakerbox/sharpie pen
stinkin opinions don't give you oxygen
gotta switch lanes x3
whenever you realize that your existence ain't all that important...
keep doin what they're doin never challenging themselves, so so typical
you'll never be as relevant as you pretend
drugs is what they do...
if you have a smartphone you are an addict and you just dunno it
replace the smartphone w/ a syringe and a drug binge
i wish these people would od or get an std or sumin
you deserve to feel like shit
i love how this is totally faded
society knows not what they do
every single thing just makes em feel worse than the day before
they don't care about what happens 5-10 min from now
fuck you that's why i play piano in my car
fuck your stupid rules and social norms, you don't have to do anything that you don't wanna i promise
i could do this all night...make this world right, you wouldn't even have to pay me i kinda sorta hate $
if you don't practice what you preach you can't teach anybody shit
a few people left that understand their purpose, lemme guess it ain't materialistic
multiple prayer bracelets now! thank you kris reeves
people are literally driving around w/ a little tv mounted on their dashboard
the roof amy, the roof
dora the explorer and other satanic crap...so true!
parents obviously didn't want that responsibility
another one that the state gets right
am i wrong for being excited about God's wrath
will i wanna take this back when it happens
i can see people's positive qualities and it saddens me that they will never live up to their God-given potential
don't we all deserve to burn in Hell tho, amy

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