The Real Cause for Modern-Day Sickness & Dis-ease and the Self-Help Needed for a Self-Cure!

1 year ago

Jun 19, 2023

During the meeting, Dr. Robert Young and Anders Brunstad discussed the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies and nanotechnology on human health and the planet. They highlighted the evidence of excess mortality and the loss of insects and bees, which could have devastating consequences for pollination. They called for the discontinuation of this technology and emphasized the need for dissemination of information on this topic to the whole of humanity. They also discussed the importance of understanding the connection between electromagnetic frequencies and nanotechnology.Anders Brunstad presented several studies that showed a correlation between the launch of 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies and increased mortality rates, particularly in certain age groups.

The studies also revealed that the radiation from these technologies may be causing harm to people in higher age groups, regardless of whether they use the technology or not.

The speakers emphasized the need to consider the impact of EMF launches, nanotechnology, and parasites on human health and to make informed decisions based on the available information.

The speakers also discussed the importance of sunlight and vitamin D in maintaining optimal health. They explained how a deficiency in vitamin D can lead to various health challenges, including fatigue and immune deficiencies, and how this deficiency is often misattributed to the influenza virus. They emphasized the importance of taking higher levels of vitamin D to combat these deficiencies, particularly in areas with low sunlight exposure.

Dr. Robert Young also discussed the importance of maintaining a delicate pH balance and electromagnetic balance in the body, and suggested using products like "For Salts" and purified alkali water to achieve this.

He warned against the dangers of consuming meat that may contain graphene oxide, which can cause pathological blood coagulation or blood clots. The speakers emphasized the need for education and understanding the truth, and recommended the book Truth versus Deception.

They also discussed the correlation between EMF frequencies and disease, and the need to bring this information to the public.

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