Tara Rodas, HHS Whistleblower, on John Paul Moran's "THEM vs YOU" Show Ep. 13

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John Paul's "THEM vs YOU" Show - where it's Not Left vs Right or Red vs Blue, it's THEM vs YOU"! Featured this week is Tara Rodas, a brave HHS Whistleblower who has been a federal employee for over 20 years and has served the Inspector General community for 17 years. Tara has been featured in the national news for her expose about this issue.

In June of 2021, Tara Lee Rodas started reporting incidents of smuggling and suspected child trafficking through HHS Chain-of-Command while serving as the Deputy of the Federal Case Management Team (as a volunteer Federal Detailee) at the Pomona Fairplex Emergency Intake Site (EIS) in Pomona, CA.

Tara has been a federal employee for more than 20 years, and has served the Inspector General community for 17 years.

Smugglers and child traffickers are recruiting, harboring, and transporting children to the United States; using force, fraud, and coercion; for the purpose of involuntary servitude, debt bondage, slavery, commercial sex, and possibly forced organ harvesting.

By exploiting flawed policies and deficiencies in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children & Families (ACF) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Unaccompanied Children (UC) Program, a sophisticated network of smugglers and traffickers are using the US Government as part of the logistical chain of their child trafficking operation.

Although the causes of the recent surge of Unaccompanied Children (UCs) is debated, all stakeholders agree one reason migrant children make the perilous journey to the United States is they are “brought into the United States by human trafficking rings.” (As per HHS’ Fact Sheet).

According to Tara Rodas, HHS is delivering vulnerable children into the hands of unsafe Sponsors who are exploiting them. This type of flagrant fraud in a Federal Program is astonishing. Knowing that children have been, are being, and will continue to be trafficked through the HHS ACF ORR UC Program has compelled Tara Rodas to come forward in hopes that (1) children can be rescued, (2) bad actors can be prosecuted, and (3) the UC Program can be abolished or reformed.

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