I Can Feel Depression Coming: 3 Things to Stop it in its Tracks

1 year ago

“Stay positive in life” or “You’re feeling depressed for no reason” or maybe even “Just remember that God loves you.” These are important and effective tips, but not when that’s all you get. If you are feeling depressed in relationship, feeling depressed around your family, feeling anxious and alone, or maybe inferior, the last thing you need to hear is basically something to the effect of “get over it.”

In this video you will receive useful tips that come from real people who’ve had to overcome real sadness, depression and unhappiness. The tips come from what has worked not just what a text book or from someone who doesn’t really know what you’re going through.

Depression and sadness is an epidemic in America and the world. C-19 made it worse, but it was bad before C-19. Together we can empower one another by sharing our stories of struggle and strength of overcoming these obstacles and living our happiest lives.
Keep in mind it is important to celebrate the little changes you will begin to see. Always be kind to yourself and know you are not alone in this challenge to be a better version of yourself. We are in this together and together we will rise and thrive. If you don’t yet have the workbook accompanying these videos you can find it at the following link:

Change bad habits and create the life you want, one day at a time. This is habit #28 of the Project 28 workbook, where you will find 28 days of short, simple, insightful activities that will guide your heart, thoughts, and actions in the right direction so that you too can get on the path to your best life. Cultivate inner peace, positive vibes, a growth mindset, and improve your life by embracing a commitment to think and behave your way to success. Let’s do this together.

“Stay positive in life” or “You’re feeling depressed for no reason” or maybe even “Just remember that God loves you.” These are important and effective tips, but not when that’s all you get. If you are feeling depressed in relationship, feeling depressed around your family, feeling anxious and alone, or maybe inferior, the last thing you need to hear is basically something to the effect of “get over it.”

In this video you will receive useful tips that come from real people who’ve had to overcome real sadness, depression and unhappiness. The tips come from what has worked not just what a text book or from someone who doesn’t really know what you’re going through.

Depression and sadness is an epidemic in America and the world. C-19 made it worse, but it was bad before C-19. Together we can empower one another by sharing our stories of struggle and strength of overcoming these obstacles and living our happiest lives.

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