10 Beautiful Butterflies And Usual Butterflies | Video

1 year ago

Butterflies are the most beautiful insect in the world. Butterflies have more than 250000 species in the world. Butterflies have different varieties like from smallest Western pygmy blue butterfly to largest Queen Alexandria’s bird wing butterfly. Butterflies also appear in wide varieties of colors and patterns. The fascinating butterflies also indicate healthy ecosystem around us. Different butterflies have different butterfly life cycle from a catapult to Beautiful Butterfly Life span differ from species to species. In the video, you will see the butterfly flying and Beautiful Butterfly Pictures, images and photos.
Here is the 10 Beautiful And Usual Butterflies.
10. Blue Morpho Butterfly:
Blue Morpho butterfly is one of the largest butterflies in the world with Length of 5-6 inches. They found in tropical forests of South and Central America. Blue morpho butterflies are recognized by their vivid blue colored wings with black edges.

9. Zebra Longwing Butterfly:
Zebra longwing butterfly is the official butterfly of Florida of United States, Butterfly has low narrow wings with zebra like stripes. Their wings are in black color with yellow stripes, The fascinating butterflies are distributed throughout South and Central America. The wingspan of zebra longwing ranges between 72 and 100 mm.

8. Peacock Pansy:
The peacock pansy butterflies are recognized by their striking eyespots. The butterflies are native to South Asian countries. The upper sides of peacock fansy’s wings are yellowish brown in color with brown edges. There are also distinct costal bars and attractive ‘peacock eyespots’ on the wings. The adult peacock pansy has a wingspan between 54-62 mm.

7. Eighty-Eight Butterfly:
The beautiful eighty-eight butterfly or diaethria clymena native to South and Central America. They are named after the black and white stripes on their underwing that outline the number ‘eighty-eight’. The upper side of eighty-eight butterfly’s wings are black and bands of blue and green also appears on their forewings.
The adult eighty-eight butterfly has a wingspan of 35-40 mm.

6. Forest Giant Owl Butterfly:
The beautiful giant owl butterflies are known for their huge owl’s eyes like looking eyespots on the underpart of the wings. They are a member of the family and native to South and Central America. The large butterflies have wing span between 13 and 16 centimeters. They have a lifespan between 125 and 150 days.

5. Sylphina Angel:
The pretty transparent winged sylphina butterflies are distributed across Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. The transparent inner parts of sylphina angel’s wings are lined by black outer wings. Their attractive tail reflects fusion of green, blue and pink hues.

4. Apollo Butterfly:
The Apollo butterfly is easily recognized by it’s attractive white body with eyespots on the wings. The forewings of Apollo butterflies have number of black eyespots and hind wings are decorated also decorated with striking four red eyespots. They are found in some specific areas in Italy, Spain and France.

3. Glasswinged Butterfly:
As the name indicates the butterfly has transparent wings. It is also called as Greta Otto and found across Mexico and Colombia. Their transparent wings make it too difficult for predators like birds and reptiles to catch them. They mainly feed on common flower called lantana.

2. Emerald Swallowtail:
The emerald swallowtail is a member of large family of swallowtail butterflies. There are 550 different species of swallowtail butterflies in the world. The emerald butterfly is also one of most colorful and largest butterflies in the world, mainly found in Southeast Asia.

1. Dead Leaf Butterfly:
The dead leaf butterfly is an outstanding example of amazing animal camouflage. The underparts of its wings are in dark and brown. The irregular patterns and veins on the wings make resemblance with dead leaf. The resemblance of their wings with dead or fallen leaf helps them to easily hide from potential predators.

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