Change is possible

1 year ago

I sincerely hope that the story of this guy I met in Bangkok can inspire you ………

“I’ll tell you my story here! It all starts when I was a teenager 14 years old and I was already an outstanding pianist! Many bands where I was playing! I was very shy so alcohol was my companion especially when I was playing! At the age of 16 I decided to drop out of high school because otherwise I had no time to play! My parents took it very badly and one night drinking alone the thousand lire bottle of lambrusco I met a friend of mine by the way who was a neighbor! He tells me do you want to try the stuff? There and then I think about it and say nahh… then I say well, come on, once is enough! There from that night I opened the door I wasn’t supposed to open.

Years of suffering between prisons, community and psychiatrist TSO for three attempted suicides! I was in pre-community I was 22 years old and I don’t know how it got to me…the desire to study…so I tell my parents I want to go back to study and finish high school.

I go to private school and in three years I graduate, I still tense up with the stuff so I decide to take subotex and I take it in vein for 13 years! 3 times a day and I felt like a god, I no longer had the need for heroin! Finally freed I then decide to go to college but my fundamentals are very poor so I take a sabbatical studying all the math and physics curriculum from high school science on my own, I am 26 and enroll in Aerospace Engineering! I get bachelor’s, master’s and PhD at the age of 37.

I met my Thai girlfriend in Glasgow and ended up here in Bangkok teaching, All my friends thought I was dead from heroin! And I put it up everyone’s ass, The worst time, though, was the beginning of university because I had started using cocaine! I used to come home in my underwear with no clothes on, I felt so bad for doing that Then I stopped.”
Not every story has a happy ending but sometimes I believe that there are lessons in life that need to be learned better and come back with a new happy ending, change is possible and nothing is written in stone, as Tiziano Terzani said in an interview, miracles are possible but you have to be the author of them.

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