90's Digimon Adventure Season 1 (Digimon Season 1) Awsome Moments - Myotismon Gets owned by a Female Angel Digimon (Saban English Dub

1 year ago

90's Digimon Adventure Season 1 (Digimon Season 1) Awsome Moments - Myotismon Gets owned by a Female Angel Digimon (Saban English Dub) + Blu-ray Remastered Quality


Digimon Adventure Season (AKA: Digimon: Digital Monsters Season 1)

The Greatest Civil War Story ever Told! ANGELS VS VAMPIRES!!!!

Vampire gets owned by a Goddess Angel!?

Makes Sense.lol

One of my fav Moments from the First season of the 90's Digimon Adventure where Gatomon digivolves into her "Ultimate Level" form "Angewoman" And straight up owns Myotismon with a Celestial Arrow!

In real life/Fiction and the Castlevania Games,it ussially takes a Steak to the Heart from a Belmont/Vampire Hunter to Kill a Vampire,but in Myotismon's case,it takes a Female Angel Digimon to straight up own him with an Arrow to the Heart.lol

Who Needs Simon Belmont,when you have an Angel Digimon on your Side!

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