Bobby Bowen Show "Episode 28 - Weston Hinson"

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In 2008 Weston Hinson (son of Kenny Hinson) started the group Weston Hinson & By Faith and in 2009 they recorded their debut album Home With You Tonight. featuring songs as "Healed Perfect" and "Let Go Of The Rope". Later they changed the name to Weston and Christy Hinson and recorded their 2nd album called Let's Have Some Church, with songs as "Let's Have Some Church", "I Get To Go", "On The Other Side Of This", as well as the world-famous song "The Lighthouse", which featured Larry Hinson. In 2013, they were joined by Jordyn Honea. Later that year, they recorded their 3rd album Christmas Like It Was. In 2014, they changed the name to The Hinson Family then recorded their 4th album Tribute To The Original Hinsons with such songs as "Burdens are Lifted Away", "Joy Comes in The Morning", "Never Be Over The Hill", and the world-famous "Call Me Gone", among many more.

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