30-86: Intelligent Light Being

1 year ago

30-86: Intelligent Light Being

The structure of life is connected to the greater being of source and it is engaged in a design that is evolving and transforming. In gaining understanding the blueprint of the DNA can be attained through research and study. All the information that you need to discover the template grid of your being is available. All is energy and the energy has intelligent designs. To see from the ancient non-physical eyes you begin to see through the illusions and find out the truth behind religions. The creators or guardians of light created new designs around the human template. You are the wayshowers of this light and represent the guardians as an aspect of your being.

The movement to unity and oneness is the initial step of the plan. The great awakening is coming from within and there is knowledge in this world that is always being recreated new along the momentum of the positive stream. There is a new holographic template within each one of a planetary body and human body. It exists in each one of us. It is time to understand that as wayshowers, followers, teachers and gods that you have coded yourselves as members of the family of light on this timeline. You have invested in the light and it is who you are. The light body is being activated. This is a planned activation and evolution that is following a preordained divine plan.

You are creators of your being by the thoughts that you entertain and enjoy. This adds energy to the thought which will manifest the experiences. There is no further authority beyond you as the gods you speak of are illusions of your own reflections. It is time to trust who you are and understand how to move through the illusions of the coming times; disconnect the left brain demand to limit the meaning of existence and know that what it is and to be in clarity and knowledge. Within you is the history of the universe and the blueprint of its future construction. It is held within you as the holographic kernel. In the blueprints there are codes defined on the physical level as the DNA. These are your genetic instructions used in the development of all living organisms. The role of the DNA molecules is the storage centers of information and instructions how to construct all the components of the physical body and its cells.

By regulating cycles of growth, repair, replication and dissolution, the DNA determines the form and function of a cell. The genes are the segments that carry the information and the genetic code specifies the sequences of the amino acids within the proteins. RNA is the component that acts as a messenger between DNA and the proteins and is a single strand while DNA is double strand.
The completed human vehicles that are awakening into physical reality hold a full system of 12 helixes that spiral around the central strand and work with 12 chakras. Human knowledge understands seven physical chakras and the double helix structure and DNA that codes the physical body with its genetic instructions. Beyond this acceptable knowledge the chakras are vortexes that hold knowledge and they spin like cosmic hard drives or more like spherical atomic energy units and or scalar wave entities. They have connections which allow for the information to be downloaded and translated into your conscious awareness for use.

The human evolutionary schematic has a schedule of development that follows a timeline set to expand frequencies to enable the attainment of higher dimensional experience to further engage the universal chakra non-physical energies. This schedule is pre-ordained upon attaining ascending progressions of conscious awareness and ability to use thought to create and manifest reality. Each person is coded to receive the information carried on a cosmic waves brings a frequency entrainment to and through the Crown Chakra and into the Pineal Gland to begin higher light code activation.

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