Crocodile ATTACK On The Daintree River - The True Story Of Beryl Wruck

1 year ago

This is a video I had uploaded at the very beginning of this channel, only to take it down shortly thereafter. I became in contact with some of the victim's family through emails and comments. A family member had disputed some of the information provided in this account, and I believe many of the insensitive comments left on the video had caused them some pain. I agreed that I'd remove the video as I didn't want to cause any undue stress on the victim's family...

However removing that video has never quite set right with me. I've questioned whether or not doing that made any sense. This is a public account that is widely available to anyone with a search engine. It's been written about in books such as CROC! by Robert Reid, and has been talked about in documentary television shows as well. Bottom line, this is an account that's been a matter of public record and widely accessible for nearly 40 years.

I've done my very best since the creation of this channel to present these accounts as tactfully as possible, always with the feelings of those left behind by the victims at heart. I don't want to be the guy who casts aside his moral compass in favor of the almighty dollar. That's never been my intention with this channel. Of course there's an entertainment element to creating these videos for you all. But I think more importantly it's informative, and educational even... I think it's important for these stories to be told and for people to learn from them. I think it's important to spark discussion and critical thought surrounding these events and circumstances. That's what I'm here to do, and I think that I've managed to find a way to do it in a respectful and tasteful manner.

So after much thought and reflection, I've decided to re-upload this video to tell this story. Anyone who doesn't want to see it I ask kindly to just not watch it. All of the information provided in this account has been thoroughly researched and referenced from reputable sources. I accept no responsibility for details that have been reported in error by those sources. I will provide those sources for those of you who want to check up on me if you choose.

Furthermore I ask that everyone please be respectful in the comments. I understand that many of these accounts can drum up strong feelings, but not everything should be shared in a public forum where those close to the situation could potentially read it. I believe that was the main issue when this video was hosted here previously. Have some tact, please. I ask that you keep your sociopathic comments to yourselves. I'm not going to silence you or spend my days policing everything written here, but just keep in mind that these stories involve real people who left behind real loved ones.

As for how I conduct this channel, moving forward I will no longer be in the business of removing content that is of public record. We all have a choice as to whether or not we view something online. If it's a sensitive subject, I suggest not viewing it. As earlier stated, all information I provide as part of a video comes from archival sources. If anything is incorrect and you have personal knowledge of such, and can provide verifiable proof, I'm more than happy to use this platform to issue a correction for the record.

Thanks so much, everyone.

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