Rita the ex Jehovahs witness talks passionately about cults

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Rita is fired up by the discussion around cults that was started on the No Goat Show.
As an x jehovahs witness she knows what a cult is and how it operates. In her opinion and experience Richard has mistaken who the cult actually is. She says "It's the government, big pharma, the medical and judicial institutions, and the vaccine worshippers.....all making up rituals and rules, hierarchies, leaders and followers, punishment and exclusion for non believers, cover ups, financial profit etc. It's not the excluded and ousted that are the cult".
When a jehovahs witness refuses blood it's their choice. Dazelle isn't refusing a transplant, she's being refused by the cult for not being in the cult and complying with their 'laws'. Big difference. If a jw takes blood and the elders come to know of it, the cult does the ousting!
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