Ep. 163 Is LOVE dead? Do relationships still exist in 2023? Let’s talk…

1 year ago

Let’s keep this short and sweet! Does #love still exist in today’s society? We’ll even go further and ask, do #relationships exist in this year of 2023? Clearly a 20 minute podcast will NOT answer this question… Nor is there really an answer. Everyone has their own take. But it’s definitely been on my mind as of late… Through conversations with colleagues and friends. I, #spotofnerd, am a realist, so please keep in mind that I am simply opening this topic up for conversation. Just strict conversation on a topic I feel is something worth speaking to… Mainly because the metaphoric tide is turning. But it that a good thing? And what does the tide consist of? Have a listen and watch! Let me know what you think in the comments! Until next time folks, laters! #subscribe #follow #like #comment #share #rumble #youtube #podcast #channel #2023 #spotify #listen #watch #conversation #support #thankyou

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