Be yourself seduction

1 year ago

Inside you'll discover ...

Step-by-step guides of REAL pick-ups, from casual sex to meaningful relationships. These are my BEST stories -- many are legendary -- and all are true!

How to have IRON CLAD confidence, so that women know EXACTLY who you are and become attracted to YOU ... not some "avatar" or phoney personality you "put on" for a Friday night.

Why beautiful women are rejected MORE OFTEN than you are ... (This is MIND-BENDING stuff, and it will help you determine when you are accidentally telling a hot woman off!)

The Infamous "Toll Booth Method". How I go from meeting a hot girl -- to having her drag me into the bathroom as we're making out in a matter of minutes. (Chapter 6)

The #1 place women go when they are looking for a man (and it's free). This is a scientifically proven hot spot most men are totally unaware of.

How to never feel rejection again. A tip for having a near-100% success rate when approaching a woman.

3 things you should NEVER to say to a woman (this will KILL the mood immediately) ... and what to say instead.

How to get away with CRAZY stuff -- such as making out in public places or getting a woman's phone number with her boyfriend standing beside her, dumbfounded! The trick involves a certain physical cue you're probably using incorrectly...

Why you might be CREEPING women out, and what to do about it. (Many guys have told me this was THE most valuable part of the book.)

The secret to having attractive women do things for YOU -- that means, buy you drinks, cook for YOU, give you gifts, whatever you'd like. There's a trick to this, and it works in a way so that they enjoy it, and are even asking for more ways to please you. (There's a limit to what you can do with this, but the limit is VERY high.)

The #1 thing 99.7% of guys do that makes them LESS attractive. Here's a hint: It starts with an "A". (This tip alone is worth $37.)

The REAL secret to impressing a woman (Hint: It has nothing to do with what you say, how much money you have, or what you look like, and ALL women can spot it as soon as you enter the room.)

NEVER tell a woman she's _________, if you want a sexual relationship with her. The answer is in Chapter 3.

How I turned a "nerdy hobby" of mine into a sexy turn-on for hot women. (Yes, you read this right. You CAN be a total "geek" and get laid. I'll show you how to do it.)

Why putting on clothes "to get laid" is counterproductive and stupid. I'll give you the real deal when it comes to fashion that attracts women instantly.

How to compliment a woman so that she beams with happiness, rather than runs for the "Exit". (There is a creepy way to compliment and there is a smooth way to compliment. I'll tell you which is which.)

3 easy ways to tease a woman that gets her TURNED ON. If she's not pulling off your pants after using these tips, just write me an email and I'll refund your money! (Seriously!)

An easy-to-use trick to get you a woman kissing you before you even know her name. It takes less than 60 seconds, it's fun to do, and you won't look like a creep.

One simple comment (not a "pick-up line") that gets a woman to buy YOU a drink. It's so easy, and it WORKS, you'll be slapping yourself on the forehead when you hear it.

How to seduce those smoking hot, stuck up women who care only about money without spending a penny.

How to guide a woman through vivid fantasies and fantastic roleplays that make her literally addicted to you. I've found this is the best way to build long term attraction with beautiful women -- and I'll show you exactly what to do.

Why you should NEVER talk about your "job" ... and what to talk about instead. (Hint: It starts with a "P".)

How to use laughter to get her in bed -- and fall in love with you. The best part is, you don't have to be a "comedian" to get this to work.

3 effective ways to show interest in a gorgeous woman (and get her to your bedroom) WITHOUT communicating loserdom, desperation, or sexual frustration like all the rest of the guys.

How to have her feel like she's with a rockstar, even if you're job "sucks"! (Women want guys who are in unique, powerful positions of passion. I'll show you how to turn YOUR profession into something cool.)

1 simple piece of advice ANY man can follow starting TONIGHT that is guaranteed to improve your success with women -- and it's drop dead simple.

Click here to get yourself a copy today

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