Pedro Varela On "How To Conquer A Nation"

1 year ago

"I've already said this and its a very risky thing to say. Imagine you are in an island here, and there is another island here and you want to conquer it. And they are ruled by a leader.

"Oh but they are disciplined, and they obey their leader, it's impossible to defeat them."

Ah, then we will impose democracy on them. Democratic propaganda! We will promote the most democratic way.

"Oh, but they also have faith in God!. They have such faith in God that they never abandon the front."

Ah, then let's promote atheism, Church time is over. From now on, only night clubs.

"Oh, but the youth are healthy and strong, they're in formidable shape, they are the way the Creator made them: in his image."

OK then, from now on McDonald's, Coca-Cola, drugs and alcohol. Let them be fat, old and undisciplined. We must abolish military service.

"Ah... Yeah, but the other thing is that they are homogenous, they are a single people, a single race. There is no ethnic chaos."

OK, then in whatever way, we must send them boats with Black, Africans, Chinese...

"But they have a lot of babies! 6 or 7 babies on average! They're happy to have large families!"

OK, from now on abortion, the pill...

You have defeated that island now."

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