Ivan Raiklin Calls Out Rochelle Walensky Over Jab DEATHS: CDC Director Ducks House Questioning

1 year ago

Dr. Rochelle Walensky was recently called out for the murderer she is.
Retired Green Beret and constitutional attorney Ivan Raiklin is here to talk about his viral video where he shook Rochelle Walensky’s hand at a House subcommittee meeting.
During the video he told her he looks forward to her testimony about how she is a part of the murder of thousands of Americans due to the death jab.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky is about to depart from the CDC at the end of this month.
Walensky is the one who went on TV and told people that if they got the job, it meant they wouldn’t be able to get Covid or pass it to others.
Both claims were false.
Walensky played a central role, rivaled only by Anthony Fauci himself, in perpetrating the maze of lies around Covid-19 and the vaccines that were such a failure in “treating” it.
Ivan Raiklin has sat through several hearings with high profile government officials who have committed crimes against humanity.
Holding these politicians accountable is a slow process but with shows like Stew Peters and Twitter 2.0 more and more people are waking up to the truth.
The shots are deadly and they are bioweapons.

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