Un-Burning A Post-it

1 year ago

Gonna see my shaman tomorrow. Had communications today. Usually happens through the brainwaves, but telegraphs are all the same. Sonic instruments detect many life forms in nearby wires and fire place frames where norms are deported to places i’d investigate if I weren’t running late on the greatest of days from past couple months. Going out running, and I’m humming to the ever evolving, and always revolving, sonic problems, laced upon the cosmic dramas, we laugh and comment on; the prisms which imprison us for minutes, or hours if it’s done with wits, and never fear; the times not near; from dawn of man, they’ve shouted to panic us; they’ve announced catastrophes for millennium and probably before the lords were born (in our minds of course, for they defy all time, if they be true, and so say the mystics it is for you and me and you, dreams, sleep-demons and DMT at beginnings, not the end…). So be eased and relax to the thoughts that things be reversed, for turns of the course and chaos theory is more than the law, it’s ruthless and flawless and runs on forever-long. Aries is Queen and whether you see it is the question of if you’re illumined or you’ve chosen to lose it (the game—that is you’ve quit, no more winning for you Mister Nit-Wit. And the song came from another one you can’t unknow. Got the chords and stole them, wrote them out, now behold them, spelled it down. Crossed the mound to lift the shrouds up off the clouds and now… Dwarves will take me out of Town.

Composed by the Sacred Scoundrel and Tree Biscuit
Bass Kid Dinglebrain
Drums Squire Simplebrain
Keys (2) Howard “Rainbow” the Truck and the Sacred Scoundrel
Brass by Prince Dimplebrain
French Horn by Tree Biscuit
Produced The Wizard Singlebrain
Conducted The Wizard Singlebrain
Arranged The Wizard Singlebrain
With help from A. New. Aprocrophile.

Starring Prince Dimplebrain
Cinematography by Apprentice Simplebrain and Prince Dimplebrain
Edited by the Sacred Scoundrel
Concept by the Sacred Scoundrel and Howard “Rainbow” the Truck

All music and video is property of Mischa Plonsey. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

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