RFK Jr: The President America Needs

1 year ago

This is a an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during which he speaks to many of the topics that Americans are most interested in: the Second Amendment, massive inflation, debasement of the Dollar, the flood of illegal aliens overrunning our Southern border, weaponization of the NSA, FBI, and CIA, and how we could actually end the Ukraine–Russia war.
It's a great interview.
Despite an almost complete mainstream media blackout against him, Bobby is doing quite well. According to the most recent CNN poll, around 20 percent of all Democrat voters who were surveyed support Kennedy as a presidential candidate. In that same poll, an additional 44 percent said that they would consider supporting him. That's extremely significant, folks.
Not only that. There are also millions of registered Republicans such as myself--people who voted for Trump in 2015, but no longer trust him to uphold and defend the Constitution, as he swore a swore he would before he took office in 2016. After all, he failed to do so [miserably] when he locked us all down like criminals [essentially under house arrest], unconstitutionally depriving us of our Liberty during the COVID Plandemic, and perjuring his Oath in many other ways as well.
Independent-minded Populists like me, voters who aren't married to either party, and who value integrity and adherence to Constitutional principals [and GENUINE SWAMP-DRAINING GOVERNMENT REFORM] more than a candidate's party label, are now changing our registration to Democrat (with our noses pinched, of course), just so we can vote for RFK Jr. in the Democratic Primaries, presuming that the Dems actually allow voters to choose their candidate Democratically, which is still uncertain right now. LMAO!
Wouldn't that be the Mother of All Ironies if the Dems simply dispensed with the Primaries and debates? Would that not be incredibly un-Democratic?
It seems the Democrats don't want the people of their party to choose a candidate in a normal Primary process. Nor do they plan to let anyone debate Traitor Joe in any televised debates. They just want to prop his corpse up there again as their candidate in 2024, and then steal the election again, just like they did in 2020. That strategy worked back then, so there's no reason for them to think it won't work again. That way they can spend another four years destroying our nation even more than they already have.
America needs a man like RFK Jr. to lead us out of the darkness that our country has been trapped in since the Coup of 1963, when the CIA killed his Uncle, John F. Kennedy, and then later murdered his Father, Robert F. Kennedy while he was campaigning for president in 1968, and again later in 1999, when they used yet another one of their Manchurians (a mind-controlled CFI) to murder his Nephew, JFK Jr., after it became likely that he too would make a run for the Presidency. The country has never been the same since November 22, 1963, folks. The Deep State that has been herding this country into the feedlot of the New World Order ever since then, and they don't seem to want another JFK-like Kennedy in the Oval Office, or honest money in the wallets of Americans. Imagine that. Either of those things would be the end of the NWO.
But what’s more telling about the legitimacy of RFK Jr. is the push-back that he’s receiving right from the establishment. For example, if you happen to turn on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC (I don't know why you would), or any of the other major [propaganda] networks, you will notice, as you dutifully monitor enemy communications, that they do not give Kennedy any time at all, in spite of the fact that he’s polling at 20 percent. Instead, they just pretend that he doesn’t exist.
It reminds of the way they did Ron Paul when he ran for President. They just ignored him like he didn't exist, hoping that We the People would too. However, I think the average American voter is a bit more "awake" than they were in 1997. Most people realize we have a controlled mainstream media apparatus that feeds us lies 24/7/365, and that these are controlled by the same thirteen central banking families that own and/or control everything else in this broken and aching world that they bought up for free over the past 90 years. So, like me, they get their news elsewhere, if they really want the truth.

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